v2.0 - MobiGary Floating Contact Form for Witsec Mailform v12 or higher - BLOCK HELP
NOTE: Please turn off BLOCK HELP before publishing the project.
- By default this is a global block and it only needs to be added and configured on one page and the settings will apply to all pages. If you want to load the floating form from your menu for example it will be available on every page automatically.
However, if you do not wish it to be a global block and only apply to one page, say CANCEL when asked "This block is global. Do you want to add it to all pages?", then edit the added block with a code editor and remove the global="" from within the first line of HTML. - "SEND btn Corner Radius px" in "Floating Contact Form" section of gear icon only takes effect on buttons if "Rounded Buttons" is set to OFF in site styles." - "X-Pos" and "Y-Pos" in "Floating Contact Form" section of gear icon does not show changes live in Mobirise builder. Perform a Preview or Publish to see the result of positioning changes. - If you do not enable "Show Floating Button" in the "Show/Hide" section of the gear icon (enabling it adds a floating icon that launches the floating contact form when clicked), instead you can load the floating contact using a code editor and creating a link. In the example below it creates an iconfont link with the image of an envelope and when clicked it than opens up the floating contact form.
<a href="#" onclick="toggleFade('.contactwindow')">
<span class="mdi-content-mail mbr-iconfont text-black"> </span>
or alternatively just add this line of code to the "..." link box section when creating a link in the Mobirise builder:
link: #\" onclick="toggleFade('.contactwindow')"
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